Burns: Rocketing Energy Costs

Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire Assembly Member, Angela Burns will be holding a drop in session and advice surgery about fuel efficiency and how to save money on fuel bills at her office in Narberth on Friday 18th November.

Mrs Burns said “energy costs in our homes are rocketing up, whether it’s gas, oil or electric. Most of us are trying not to put the heating on until the last possible moment which has been miserable for some people in the recent cold snap especially the elderly, the very young and those who are not well. There are some ways of being more efficient with energy and saving money and I hope that people will take advantage and come along and talk to the experts”

Representatives from Swalec, British Gas and Ofgem will be in attendance to answer questions and offer advice on how to save money and manage fuel bills.

From 10am till 1pm there will be a drop in session at 14 Market Square Narberth and then surgery appointments from 2pm until 4pm,  please call on 01834 862725 to make an appointment.

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