Burns: Skills assessment to tackle youth unemployment

Welsh Conservatives will today call on the Welsh Government to conduct a wide-ranging assessment of the specialised skills to match the needs of the Welsh economy.

Leading a debate in the Assembly, Welsh Conservative AMs will back demand-led skills provision to ensure young people enter the workplace equipped with the skills which employers are seeking.

Angela Burns AM, Shadow Minister for Education, warned that the skills of the current workforce and the requirements of Welsh employers need to match more closely to tackle the scourge of youth unemployment.

Angela Burns said, “It is concerning that under Labour, Wales is falling further behind other UK and EU nations in key skills.

“At times of economic uncertainty, the Welsh Government should be helping to ensure that people in Wales are best placed to secure rewarding employment.

“Unfortunately too many young people are leaving school without literacy and numeracy skills – often the absolute basics that employers seek.

“Youth unemployment in Wales is being fuelled by a shortage of key skills, at the same time as many graduates are leaving Wales to seek opportunities in England.

“Business leaders have been raising concerns that Wales has a poor skills mix with many workers either under or over skilled.

“Welsh Labour Ministers need to conduct a wide-ranging assessment of the needs of our economy both to promote economic growth and ensure that no young person misses out on the opportunity to fulfil their potential.”

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