Burns: Support For Our Veterans

As someone who comes from a military family, South Pembrokeshire Assembly Member Angela Burns was especially delighted with plans by the Welsh Conservatives to introduce a Veterans Card for ex-armed forces personnel.

The card would enable priority treatment within the NHS for service related conditions and injuries and give priority delivery of disabled facilities grants for home adaption. It would also enhance the existing free bus pass scheme to include veterans, give free access to local authority swimming pools and free entry to CADW sites.

Commenting on the launch, Angela Burns AM said; “I am delighted to back this proposal as I have seen first hand the enormous commitment of our service men and women, some of whom pay a very high price for serving their country and this is a small way in which we can recognise their commitment and pay thanks to them. Many of the people involved in current conflicts are incredibly young and I think it is only right that we try and ensure they can build a new future for themselves and their families.


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