Burns: Time for WAG to show leadership on climate change

Angela Burns AM has called on the Assembly Government to show greater leadership in the flight to tackle climate change.

In a debate on the Annual Report of the Assembly Government’s Sustainable Development Scheme, the Shadow Minister for the Environment said:

“Wales is falling behind other countries and regions of the UK in reducing the UK’s carbon footprint.  In 2008, greenhouse gases rose in Wales, in sharp contrast to significant reductions in both England and Scotland.

“Ministers need to examine the reasons why Wales is falling behind in the battle to slash carbon emissions.  Reducing our energy dependence is not only a matter of protecting the environment, as it also reduces costs to businesses and households.

“The Assembly Government needs to look again at how it measures progress in achieving sustainability targets so real progress can be tracked so the people of Wales can have confidence that our nation is playing its part in reducing the world’s carbon footprint.”


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