Burns: Welsh places at Oxbridge halved

The number of Welsh students being accepted to the UK’s most prestigious universities has halved over the past ten years, according to figures revealed by the Welsh Conservatives yesterday.

The percentage of approved applications to Oxford University has halved from 33.51% in 2000 to just 16.97% in 2010.  Approved applications at Cambridge University have fallen from 30.56% to 22.41% over the same period.

Wales has consistently had the lowest rate of successful applications to Oxford of all the UK nations and regions since 2004 and to Cambridge since 2008.

Angela Burns AM, Shadow Minister for Education, said, “It is worrying that fewer of our brightest students are getting the chance to study at the UK’s most prestigious universities.

“The number of Welsh students being admitted to Oxbridge universities has been in near constant decline over the past decade.

“Wales now has fewer successful applications to Oxford and Cambridge universities than any other nation or region of the UK.

“This appears to be yet another symptom of a decline in robust and rigorous standards after a decade of a Labour-run education system.

“Not enough is being done across the academic spectrum in Wales to encourage our brightest and talented young people to strive to greater achievements.

“High quality learning is strongly linked with better employment prospects, good health and a key route out of poverty.

“The best education brings forward the scientists, artists and entrepreneurs of tomorrow, enhancing our economy and enriching our culture.

“The Education Minister needs to re-examine his priorities to ensure that the school system is stretching pupils of all abilities to enable every young person to achieve their potential.”


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