Businesses Support Cigarette Litter Initiative

Three businesses in Menai Bridge have become the first on Anglesey to join a new initiative to help reduce and hopefully eliminate cigarette litter in the town.  Menai Tandoori, Bet Fred and The Bulkeley Arms have signed a ‘Voluntary Code of Practice’ to keep their establishments free of litter.

Following consultation, it was decided a voluntary agreement between the Isle of Anglesey County Council’s Waste Management Section and businesses on the Island might prove successful in tackling street litter.

“Our new initiative supports businesses in tackling cigarette litter.  We arrange for wall-mounted bins to be fitted to premises, arrange for the bins to be emptied and ensure pavements are swept and cleaned regularly. In return, businesses display anti cigarette litter campaign messages and keep their frontages clean during their hours of business.  This is all about working together in partnership to help us reduce cigarette litter,” said Carys Roberts, Senior Waste Management Officer at the Council.

Smoking related litter is the most littered substance in Wales, with cigarette ends easily the most common form of litter.  Smoking related litter can be found on over 80% of streets in Wales.  Many people wrongly believe that cigarette filters are biodegradable and made of cotton. However they are made of cellulose acetate, which takes 12 years to biodegrade.

“Going into the busy party season it is important to keep the area outside our pub clean and free from cigarette litter, for customers and the residents of Menai Bridge. I hope our new wall mounted cigarette litter bin is convenient for customers and I welcome working in partnership with the local authority,” said Maldwyn Jones, Landlord of the Bulkeley Arms, Menai Bridge.

The voluntary cigarette litter agreement is now available to all businesses across the Island.  “We hope businesses join us to benefit from the scheme, sign up and eliminate cigarette litter,” said Carys.  Details of the scheme are available online at or call 01248 752860 to discuss.

Menai Bridge is the first place you come to on the island and we are proud to be the first town to tackle cigarette litter in this way.  Some people don’t recognise cigarette litter as a problem but dropped cigarette ends are offensive.  We are happy to be setting an example to the island and the rest of the country to raise awareness and tackle this problem,” said Cllr Keith Evans, Cadnant Ward.

Photograph: Maldwyn Jones, Landlord of the Bulkeley Arms with members of the Waste Management Section Isle of Anglesey County Council


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