Busy weekend for RNLI lifeguards at New Quay beach

RNLI lifeguards at New Quay had a busy weekend as they responded to 2 incidents along the beach on Saturday afternoon. Sam Willmott and Owen Evans were ready at their units from 10am on Saturday as the public flocked to the beach to enjoy the sunshine.

The charity’s lifeguards first rescue of the day was to a couple and their pet dog who had been cut off by the tide. Owen Evans went to check if Cei Bach beach was clear as the tide started to come in and spotted a couple and their dog in the distance. Owen requested the assistance of his colleague Sam Willmott who paddled over to the couple on his rescue board to check if they were ok. The couple had been walking their dog along the beach but hadn’t checked the tide times before starting their journey. Sam Willmott ferried the couple and their pet one-by-one on the RNLI rescue board back to safety of the shore.

Within a few hours Owen responded to another incident as a woman fainted near the RNLI lifeboat station. The RNLI lifeguard saw that the woman wasn’t well and went over with the RNLI trauma bag to see if he could be of any assistance. Two off duty paramedics were already at the scene attending to the casualty but Owen used his first aid training to administer oxygen and assist the casualty until further help arrived.

RNLI lifeguards have been offering safety advice and assistance on New Quay beach since 25 June. The charity’s lifeguards will be ready at their units to assist the public from 10am-6pm throughout the summer season until 4 September.


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