Cabinet to discuss far reaching plans for leisure in Rhyl

Denbighshire’s Cabinet is due to discuss a report on the future leisure provision in Rhyl at their meeting on Tuesday, which includes plans for the town’s coastal facilities looking at the future aquatic offer, the Sun Centre, Pavilion Theatre and Children’s Village.

The report also looks at the need to separately and immediately carry out capital works necessary to safeguard the future of the Sky Tower at a cost of £35,000.

If approved, the plans could pave the way for a significant upgrade of existing leisure/tourism facilities, create new jobs and stimulate further private sector investment in the town. The proposals, which have the full backing of Rhyl members, will also address some long-standing concerns and aspirations including:

  • The ongoing maintenance requirements for the Sun Centre building and its suitability as an attraction in the 21st Century
  • The desire to create a new aquatic offer to replace the Sun Centre
  • Securing a positive future for the Rhyl Pavilion Theatre
  • Securing a positive future for the Sky Tower

If Cabinet agrees to the recommendations in the report, work will begin on Stage 2 of the delivery programme which will include the drawing up of a design brief and a detailed review leading to the planning application stage. The report sets out the plans for 3 and 4, although these will require approval from Cabinet at each stage.

Denbighshire’s Leader, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, who will present the report to Cabinet, said: “A great deal of work kas gone into the preparation of this report and it provides a structured and achievable plan of action to transform the leisure offer in the town.”

Denbighshire’s head of Communications, Marketing and Leisure, Jamie Groves, said: “Even in a difficult economic climate, this report shows Denbighshire is committed to investing in leisure provision and shows we put leisure, health and well-being at the heart of the Council’s regeneration agenda.

“We are approaching a time when we have to accept that the Sun Centre is approaching the end of it’s beneficial life as an aquatic centre and we will be working with Clwyd Leisure to develop an alternative leisure offer for the coast.”

Tom Booty, Rhyl Going Forward Manager, said: “There is a huge amount of work going on to transform the town’s fortunes and we are aware that there is a need to ensure we are providing modern, efficient facilities that will enhance the quality of life for residents and will undoubtedly prove a major draw for visitors as well.”

Councillor Joan Butterfield, Labour Group Leader and Rhyl member, said:”As Rhyl members, we fully support these proposals and see them as a positive step forward for the future of Rhyl as a vibrant and modern tourist destination as well as providing top class facilities for residents.

The full report can be viewed on the website at or



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