Cae Post Household Recycling Collection in closure threat

The household recycling service by award winning local business and charity Cae Post is threatened with closure. Powys County Council officials have said they intend to take over the service and run it themselves.

Speaking at last Thursday’s (15th) Cae Post AGM, Susan Morley, chair of trustees has expressed grave concern.

“Cae Post has achieved quite remarkable progress in improving recycling collection in Montgomeryshire in recent years and I don’t understand what is to be gained by shutting us down. It’s not cost savings because the Council knows that like for like it has no reason to believe we would be any more expensive. And it’s certainly not the quality of our collection service which has become hugely popular with over 5500 householders

But the most damaging consequence will be for the work we do getting people back into jobs, whether it’s people with disability, substance misuse, ex-offenders, or young men and women who simply can’t find work because they lack skills and experience. We’ve had huge success doing this and it all stands to be lost.”

Montgomeryshire AM Russell George, who is also a County Councillor was present at last week’s AGM and presented prizes to local “Recycling Heroes”.

Mr George was greatly concerned and in his speech following the Awards presentation said:

Powys County Council played a major role in getting Cae Post established in the former Council depot in Trewern some years ago and has helped Cae Post to grow to the very successful social enterprise it is today. I know how much Cae Post has contributed to the achievement of the County’s recycling targets and I have seen for myself how popular it is with householders.

Just as important, Cae Post does a job that no one else locally has really tackled – getting people who desperately need help into real jobs.

This news is very concerning. People in Montgomeryshire value the service and I would certainly not support any move that resulted in the closure of Cae Post.”

Photograph: Mark Hart, Guilsfield Scout Group, AM Russell George, Mr Derrick, representing Forden Community Council, Cllr Barry Thomas, Chairman of Powys County Council, Richard Marsh, General Manager Cae Post Ltd
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