Caerphilly Businesses Urged to Sign up to Advertising Code

CaerphillyRetailers displaying promotional advertising outside their premises are being encouraged to sign up to a new code of conduct to ensure that the county borough’s pavements remain safe for users.

Caerphilly County Borough Council has passed a new protocol on advertising materials on the public highway, designed to regulate the use of A-boards on pavements and footpaths.

Obstructions on pavements and footways can present a danger to the partially sighted and create difficulties for the elderly, wheelchair users and parents with prams or pushchairs trying to negotiate their way along the footway.

To ensure that street advertising does not hinder those using the pavement, the code asks compliant businesses to ensure that A-boards are no more than 0.6m x 0.6m, are appropriately weighted or secured so as not to blow away in the wind, and that signage allows a minimum of 1.8m clearance on the public footway.

The protocol carries a small £25 charge, and firms taking part in the scheme will receive a certificate to display showing that the businesses is contributing to maintaining a clean and safe surrounding for all.

The Council will monitor compliance with the code, and businesses found not to be adhering to the regulations could see their A-board removed and could be subject to a recharge for the cost of this removal.

Cllr Tom Williams, Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways, Transportation & Engineering, said: “In such harsh economic times, there is a need to allow businesses to take advantage of promotional activities and opportunities, and we do not want to hinder this. But as Highways authority we also have a responsibility to ensure the safety and accessibility of others.

”This code of compliance strikes a fair balance, and ensures a consistent approach to any advertising on the highway and makes the highway environment safer for its users.”

For further information, or to apply for the code of compliance, please call the Highways Operation Group on 01443 863112, email [email protected] or visit


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