Caerphilly Constituency Labour Party launched its Campaign for the Assembly Election

Caerphilly Constituency Labour Party launched its Campaign for the Assembly Election last Saturday with a gathering at the Twyn in Caerphilly.

Jeff Cuthbert is Caerphilly’s current AM and has earned the endorsement of the Constituency Labour Party not only for the work he has done for Caerphilly but also for the reputation he has gained in Cardiff. Most of the work of Government is undertaken by Committees  and Jeff’s ability and dedication to the work he has undertaken in this vital area has been recognized and he has been responsible for much of the detail work that is presented to the Assembly Government.

‘I am looking forward to the Campaign’ said Jeff. ‘The Yes vote in the Referendum  result has given us a new impetus but we need to be aware that it was not 100% and we must respect that. We clearly have work to do, but I take heart from the result and believe that we can now move forward to make Wales a good place to live. It is encouraging for Labour with our marvellous  by-election result in Barnsley, taking a Council seat from Plaid in Riverside, Cardiff and the latest all-Wales Poll shows that we are far ahead of the opposition. But we are not complacent. This is going to be a tough Campaign and we take nothing for granted; the Party is strong in Caerphilly and we will all work hard to create a majority Labour administration in Cardiff in May.’

Bryn Hollywell is Jeff Cuthbert’s Agent and said:

The Party is really looking forward to the contest. We aim to make Labour the majority Party in Cardiff. It is an opportunity for Wales to give its verdict on the ConDem Government  which is inflicting its own version of the Big Society on our communities and, at the same time, express Caerphilly’s opinion on our Plaid controlled County Council with all its misjudgments and U-Turns. We have an excellent Candidate in Jeff Cuthbert who has gained a deserved reputation in Cardiff, and home here in Caerphilly, for his proberty, dedication and hard work and he receives the full backing of the Labour Party.

Photograph: Jeff Cuthbert with Officers and key workers of Caerphilly Constituency Labour Party

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