Caerphilly Man Shouts “On Your Bike” to 6 and a Half Stone

IMG_4909A Caerphilly man has cycled his way out of being overweight thanks to the support of the staff and group cycling fitness classes at his local Leisure Centre.

Paul Davies, 48, has shed an incredible 6 and a half stone by eating a healthy and balanced diet and taking part in regular exercise at fitness classes at Caerphilly Leisure Centre, including the hugely popular group cycling classes taught by instructors Chris Eatwell and Andrew Morgan.

Having used the facilities at Caerphilly Leisure Centre for a number of years, Paul feels he only started taking full advantage of the fitness classes and the help of the instructors in October last year.

“Although I have always been fairly fit, I was very overweight and in October 2013 I set myself a goal of losing 7 stone. I have always used the gym at Caerphilly Leisure Centre but it was only when I set myself this goal that I became really proactive about losing weight,” Paul explained.

He began by speaking to the staff at the Leisure Centre and started attending more fitness classes. “Going to classes like circuits and spinning was difficult at first because of the weight that I was, but in time the weight just started dropping off.”

“I now make full use of the Leisure Centre and go to classes like spinning, circuit training, and row and tone, as well as using the gym and using the swimming pool and sauna occasionally. The instructors and staff here are always helpful and on hand to give advice on exercise and even help with nutrition advice if I ask. My diet has changed, but I still have the odd drink and treat myself. I still want to enjoy my life.”

Cllr Dave Poole, Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services, commented, “What an inspiration Paul is! He is proof that dedication and the right support will help you achieve the results you desire. Being overweight causes too many health problems to list, and at Caerphilly County Borough Council we believe our Leisure Centres are the preventative measure needed to tackle these health problems before they escalate into NHS intervention. Congratulations to Paul on all he has achieved so far!”

Overall Paul has seen his health and wellbeing improve incredibly. He was on blood pressure medication when he was overweight and has now had his tablets reduced. “I just feel like I have so much more energy, being more physically fit has made it easier to do things around the house like painting and gardening. I am so much more confident and buying new clothes to fit my new body is great! If only a handful of people joined a gym and changed their life due to seeing this article it will be worth it.”

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