Caerphilly Mountain gets a clean up

An army of environmentally conscious helpers joined together recently to undertake a clean up operation on Caerphilly Mountain, led by Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Environmental workforce and assisted by Cardiff City Council.

More than 40 people, including Tidy Towns Tidy Places teams from both local authorities, Future Jobs team, Caerphilly’s Environmental Health Enforcement Officers, Community Safety Wardens, Councillors and volunteers took part in the clean up, which aimed to enhance the local environment for residents and visitors alike.

Throughout the day, more than one and a half tonnes of waste and litter was removed from the site, and enforcement officers also issued two people with Fixed Penalty Notices for dropping litter at the Caerphilly Mountain Car Park.

Cllr Lyn Ackerman, Cabinet Member for Public Services and Housing said, “This is an extremely beautiful part of our county borough with spectacular scenery, and is an area that attracts visitors and walkers in their thousands every year”.

She continued, “While the vast majority of visitors are environmentally conscious and take their environmental responsibilities seriously, there is still a small minority of individuals whose irresponsible actions can tarnish our environment”.

“This high profile clean up recently I hope will emphasise our commitment of taking pride in our environment and encourage the small minority who currently do not, to follow our lead. Moreover, this day of activity also emphasises our zero tolerance approach towards people who feel it is acceptable to drop litter”, she added.

Following the clean up, a local resident, who is also a local rambler, contacted Caerphilly County Borough Council to congratulate the team on their efforts.

She said, “There was almost an army of litter pickers doing a magnificent job of removing the bags full of litter that previously covered the area. Being a local resident, I am a rambler over the Caerphilly Mountain and surrounding areas almost all the year round”.

“We appreciate all the work you do in caring for the roads and local countryside in and around Caerphilly. Keep up the good work”.

Caerphilly StreetPride is a council initiative that brings together the services that keep Caerphilly county borough clean, green and safe. Its aim is to work with residents to keep street and neighbourhoods at a standard that promotes pride and community responsibility.

To report environmental concerns in Caerphilly county borough, please call Caerphilly StreetPride on 01443 866 566 or visit


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