Caerphilly Plaid Leader to Step Down

Lindsay Whittle today announced he will be stepping down as Plaid Cymru leader of Caerphilly council following his election to the National Assembly last week.

Councillor Whittle said: “I have decided to stand down following my election as an Assembly Member. The post of leader is a full-time job and I don’t believe I would be able to devote the attention the role deserves if I continued, having been elected to the National Assembly.

“I’m very proud of Plaid’s record in Caerphilly. We are the only authority in Wales not to increase council tax bills this year and we have made efficiency savings without cutting the salaries of council workers, unlike some other Welsh local authorities, while also maintaining frontline services.

“As a Caerphilly-boy it has been an immense privilege serving the people of the county borough as council leader.

“It is now crucial that there is a seamless transfer to a new leader and that Plaid continues to run the authority efficiently and effectively as we have done since 2008.

“I will be staying in post until a replacement is elected, which I would expect to be within a few weeks,” added Councillor Whittle, who will remain a backbench councillor.

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