Caerphilly staff buck sickness trend

Staff sickness levels at Caerphilly county borough council continue to fall thanks to the dedication of the workforce and improvements arising from an ongoing drive by the organisation to tackle absence levels.

Last year (2010) 4,095 council employees had a clean bill of health and managed to go 12 months without taking a single day off on the sick.

Cllr Allan Pritchard, deputy leader of council and cabinet member for human resources welcomed the improvement, “Sickness levels amongst local authority staff has always tended to be high, but here in Caerphilly we are working with our employees as part of a concerted effort to reduce the number of working days lost each year and to witness that 4,095 of our staff had 100% attendance records shows tremendous dedication and commitment”

“Whilst we appreciate that people do become ill and need to take time off occasionally, we also recognise that by offering appropriate support and ensuring robust policies are in place we can buck the national trend and reduce the problem as these figures clearly demonstrate.”


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