Caerphilly up for national recycling award and recycling figures reinforce why

Caerphilly County Borough Council will find out next Wednesday whether it has won a prestigious national award for recycling thanks to its green-minded residents efforts… and recent figures published by the Welsh Government reinforce Caerphilly’s recycling achievements too!

Recent figures showed that Caerphilly County Borough Council’s current recycling rate is 57.1%, which is among the best rate in the whole of Wales.

This is coupled with the fact that the council is one of three finalists in the prestigious Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee (LARAC) 2011 Celebration Awards for its achievements in increasing its recycling rates.

Cllr Lyn Ackerman, Cabinet Member for Public Services said, “I am delighted that once again our resident’s recycling efforts have helped contribute to Caerphilly being finalists for this premier national award”.

She continued, “This news, combined with the recent statistics which show that Caerphilly County Borough Council is the best performing local authority in South Wales for recycling should make residents feel extremely proud of their sterling efforts”.

The LARAC awards recognise the dedication, success and achievements of local authority recycling officers and their teams and partners throughout the UK. The winning council will be presented with their award on 19th October… so watch this space!

For further information on recycling in Caerphilly county borough, please visit


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