Call for Update on North Wales Rail Projects

Mark Isherwood

Mark Isherwood

North Wales Assembly Member Mark Isherwood has called for an update on North Wales rail projects involving Taith, the transport partnership of the six Local Authorities in North Wales.

Raising the matter in this week’s Short Assembly Debate on Rail in North Wales,  Mr Isherwood said:

“The North Wales Economic Ambition Board was tasked with putting together the business case for the electrification of the North Wales main line from Holyhead to Crewe, working with the Mersey Dee Alliance, Cheshire councils and Taith. Last summer, the North-East Wales Integrated Transport Taskforce report said that there was strong support for direct rail services to Liverpool, and for new and improved stations in north-east Wales.

“Taith and Merseytravel, I understand, were developing the business case for the Halton curve link…….we need an update on the projects I have highlighted.”

Speaking in the debate, Mr Isherwood also welcomed Network Rail’s resignalling of the line between Flint and Llandudno, but criticised the Minister’s decision to reduce the redoubling of the line between Wrexham and Saltney by two miles, halving future capacity on the line and ignoring the impact of the new prison.

In her reply, Economy, Science and Transport Minister Edwina Hart stated: “I fully recognise the importance of transport connectivity, not only throughout Wales, but also across our borders. In north Wales, the links to England are particularly important. That is why, in August last year, we established a ministerial taskforce on north Wales transport. The group is chaired by my colleague the Minister for Local Government and Government Business……..and it is my intention, after recess, to bring a further statement to the Chamber”.

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