Call for young people’s views

School pupils are being given a final opportunity to express their views on school transport.

Carmarthenshire Youth Council (CYC) is working on a School Transport Campaign to help young people get to school safely. Research showed that the majority of young people rely on buses to get to school and many are faced with walking up to 3 miles on a daily basis.

The CYC found that young people could be paying up to £7.50 a week for transport and this was a concern for some families with more than one young person at school.

Peter Morgan, CYC member said:

“Although the journey to school on foot can only be 5 minutes, for many young people attending Carmarthenshire Secondary Schools they have to walk along narrow pavements that can be dangerous especially in bad weather.

“During the winter months young people have to face walking in the dark, along with rain, ice and snow, all of which make already dangerous journeys even more risky; we don’t think it’s fair to simply ignore these pupils.”

The CYC are now going to be working on a school transport campaign to get young people’s views and see where the dangerous hot spots in the county areas all young people are entitled to safe travel.

Young people are being asked to give their views by filling in an on-line survey

The on-line survey will be available until July.

For further information, please e-mail the Youth Council on: [email protected]


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