Calling all Aspiring Writers! What can you Write about in 2014?

QuickReadsHave you ever dreamed about being an author? Have you got something interesting to say that you would like to share with others? If so, this could be your big opportunity.

Aspiring authors in Wales are invited to submit a short piece of creative writing as part of the launch of the Quick Reads/Stori Sydyn 2014 series in Wales. The competition is open to residents in Wales, writing on any subject in either Welsh or English – but each entry is limited to a maximum length of 2014 words.

The aim of Stori Sydyn/Quick Reads 2014 is to encourage people to get back into the habit of reading by picking up a short, snappy title in the series. Research shows that 1 in 6 adults of working age in the UK find reading difficult, and hardly ever pick up a book. The reasons given for not reading are varied, but they are often based in fear. Some people say they find books ‘scary and intimidating’, or that they are ‘difficult’ or ‘boring’.

Quick Reads sets out to challenge these beliefs and show that books and reading can appeal to everyone. Every year eight new titles (4 in Welsh and 4 in English) are produced in Wales, specifically designed to be easy to read, but also enjoyable and thought-provoking. Quick Reads are similar to mainstream books in every respect, but are simply shorter and easier to tackle for adults who are less confident in their reading skills.

The books are sold through major retailers and online booksellers, and can be loaned from libraries.

Angharad Tomos of the Welsh Books Council said:

“We hope that the 2014 writing competition will inspire a number of wannabe writers across Wales not only to think creatively, but also to appeal to the readers within the limit of 2014 words.

“The aim of this initiative, which is coordinated by the Welsh Books Council and supported by the Welsh Government, is to help people overcome initial barriers to reading or picking up a book. By taking a step-by-step, page-by-page approach, we hope we can help to overcome any confidence issues that may exist and show that reading can be a fun and inspiring activity which all the family can enjoy.”

All entries for the competition must be submitted online as a Word document by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to Stori Sydyn/Quick Reads, Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru, Castell Brychan, Aberystwyth SY23 2JB by the closing date – Friday 21 March 2014.

All entries will be judged independently. The overall winner will be presented with a set of the Quick Reads/Stori Sydyn 2014 titles and £150 in book vouchers.

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