Calling all Denbighshire Businesses

denbighshirePromoting Denbighshire as a great place to do business and giving local companies the chance to shine, grow and flourish in this economic climate is the aim of an event being hosted in the county next week.

The Open for Business event, being hosted by Denbighshire County Council at Llangollen Pavilion on Thursday, April 3 between 5pm and 8.30pm will allow representatives of local businesses to make vital contacts from a wide range of council services, other external organisations and the business community.

The event will also offer businesses some food for thought on how they can develop their businesses and maximise the opportunities available to them.

Keynote speaker for the event will be Richard Staniszewski, a North Wales-based entrepreneur, public speaker and business mentor who has a wealth of experience from wide ranging career both in the UK and America.

During the event, the Council will launch a brand new video promoting the county as a great place to do business.  People attending will also be able to record their own short promotional pitches for their own marketing purposes.

The evening will also include the launch of the county’s Economic and Community Ambition Strategy, ‘Developing Opportunities, Creating Confidence’.

Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans OBE, who is also the Lead Member for Economic Development, said: “We want Denbighshire businesses to have a clearer understanding of how the council will support business growth and development, as well as learning more about the range of services they can access from the Council.

“We also want businesses in the county to be more confident about their future prospects and to work with the Council to develop the local economy, as well as encouraging local people to think local, do business local.

“This is a great way of showing that Denbighshire is open for business.”

To register, please contact Kirsty Hutton Davies on 01824 706701 or e-mail: [email protected]

The event has been sponsored by BT’s Superfast Programme.


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