Candidate Courts Cameron’s Support for Caerphilly Tourism

Owen Meredith, prospective candidate for Caerphilly in May’s Welsh Assembly Elections, is raising Caerphilly’s profile as a tourist destination by taking his campaign to the heart of Government.

He has met with the Prime Minister, David Cameron, to discuss his campaign to raise the profile of the town and also provided him with a copy of the new-look Caerphilly visitor’s guide.

Mr Meredith said:

Caerphilly has so much to offer to tourists from within the UK and overseas. This tourist guide highlights some of the gems we have and it is vital that we get out there and show it off!

“Earlier this month I held an event in London to promote Caerphilly, and this week I had the chance to discuss the campaign with the Prime Minister during his visit to Cardiff. He supported my efforts to put Caerphilly on the map making the most of the beauty and heritage Caerphilly has on offer.”

Caerphilly resident, Louise Hammond, praised Mr Meredith’s efforts to promote tourism. She said:

“I attend the Big Cheese every year and it attracts thousands of people to Caerphilly which is great, but we need to bring more people in the whole year round. I’m really pleased to see that Owen is taking pro-active action to get out there and promote Caerphilly.”

Owen has promised to put boosting tourism and improving Caerphilly town centre’s offering to residents and tourists at the top of his agenda if elected in May. He added:

“To help our economic recovery and bring new jobs into the town, we need to make the most of our assets. Caerphilly has the largest Castle in Wales and one of the biggest in Europe, with a tour of Welsh castles topping the ‘must do’ poll for tourist, we are in danger of missing a massive opportunity.

“If we are to make the most of our great castle, we have to offer visitors more. At the minute, people come to see the castle, but then leave without exploring what the rest of Caerphilly has to offer. There is enthusiasm from local businesses to work in partnership with the Council and the Assembly to enhance the ‘Caerphilly Experience’ for tourists and I am determined to do whatever I can to help them achieve this.”

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