Candidates to stand for South Wales East

Welsh Conservatives today announced that William Graham and Mohammad Asghar will lead the Party’s campaign in South Wales East in May 2011.

After a ballot of Welsh Conservative Party members in the region, William Graham was selected for the top position, with Mohammad Asghar in second.

Commenting on the news, William Graham said: “‘I am delighted to have been returned top of the list for the Welsh Conservatives in South Wales East. Having lived and worked in the region all my life I have always taken great pride in representing the area in the Assembly and look forward to campaigning hard towards the 2011 campaign.’

“I am excited about the opportunities voters will be presented with next year and our positive and ambitious messages will clearly demonstrate how a Welsh Conservative Government in Cardiff Bay would deliver key public service improvements in South Wales East.

“We have a clear vision of making the region healthier, greener and more prosperous.”

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