Cardiff Airport shuttle bus service to continue

The Welsh Assembly Government and the Vale of Glamorgan Council are pleased to announce the continuation of the free Shuttle Bus Service 905 (Cardiff Airport Rail Linc) with effect from 1 December 2010.

The continuing service will be based on the current frequency and will be financially supported by the Welsh Assembly Government and the Vale of Glamorgan Council, operated under contract to the Vale of Glamorgan Council by New Adventure Travel.

Cllr Jeff James, Vale Council cabinet member for planning and transportation, said: “I’m very pleased that the airport shuttle bus will now continue to run with help from the Vale of Glamorgan Council. It’s an important transport link in the Vale and one which we wish to see maintained in the future. It’s our partnership with the Welsh Assembly Government that has made this possible.”

Minister for Economy and Transport, Ieuan Wyn Jones, expressed his delight that the service would continue to run, free of charge, from December.

He said: “This service has proved to be extremely valuable and has given people far greater choice in how they get to and from Cardiff Airport. I am therefore very pleased to confirm that our investment will enable the shuttle to continue.

“The effort shown by all parties involved underlines our commitment to the delivery of sustainable public transport system for Wales.”

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