Cardiff and Vale Help to Support those Affected by the Tunisia Attack

BETHLEM 317-11191Cardiff and Vale University Health Board will be providing support to victims and their families throughout Wales who have been affected following the tragic events on Friday 26 June in the resort of Sousse, Tunisia.

A national helpline has been opened where trained operating staff from CALL will be available 24 hours a day, to provide advice and guidance, on accessing help. The helpline number is 0800 132737 or visit

The Cardiff and Vale Traumatic Stress Service and Veterans’ NHS Wales are working together to offer an assessment and treatment service to individuals who may have been affected.

How can I access help myself?
In the first instance, please follow the advice contained in the Sousse beach incident leaflet. To request a copy by post please email [email protected] or telephone 029 20 742 062.

If you have concerns about yourself or someone else, please contact your GP in the first instance for advice and support. Your GP may refer you to another service that can assist in your recovery.

Alternatively, please contact Veterans’ NHS Wales on 029 20 742 062 where you can speak to experienced psychological trauma therapists that can help.

How affected do I need to be to access help?
If you have been affected by the Sousse beach incident, and are now having difficulty coping at work, at home, socially or having difficulties with normal relationships, then seek guidance from your GP or refer yourself to our specialist services by emailing [email protected] or telephone 029 20 742 062 or visit

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