Cardiff: Appeal after two burglaries in Cathays

Police in Cardiff investigating two burglaries over the weekend are appealing for information.

Properties in Llantrisant Street and Corbett Road were burgled on Friday night.

A Toshiba laptop, which had pink nail varnish on some of the keys, a Sony Vaio laptop and an iPod Nano were stolen from the house in Llantrisant Street where it is believed the burglars gain access through an unlocked back window sometime between 10.30pm and 2.30am.

A red suitcase and an Olympic white digital camera were stolen from the Aberdare Halls of Residence in Corbett Road at around 11pm.

Residents in the Roath and Cathays are reminded that burglaries traditionally increase in these areas at this tine of year when in excess of 42,000 students arrived in the city.

This seasonal rise also affects non-student households as criminals come to the area attracted by rich pickings that this influx creates.

A policing operation – Operation Saturn –  is underway in a bid to prevent burglaries

Detective Inspector Shane Ahmed said: “The latest Home Office figures show that overall burglary in Cardiff is down 2.2 per cent, the equivalent of 40 fewer homes being burgled over the year, but occasionally we do see increases, such as when university students arrive in Roath and Cathays for the start of the academic year.

“The vast majority of these burglaries are at insecure properties where doors and windows have been left open and we are constantly trying to get the message out to the community the importance of home security.”

During Operation Saturn last year, front doors were checked by Student Wardens who found that more than 100 front doors were unlocked making the homes accessible to opportunist criminals.

Residents are reminded to ensure their doors and windows are secure and not to leave valuables close to open doors and windows.

Over the coming weeks officers from different departments including CID, the neighbourhood policing team, response officers, and student liaison officer will be carrying out both high visibility and plain-clothed patrols, and conducting crime prevention exercises.

Anyone with information on these two recent burglaries can contact CID on 02920 527 420 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


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