Cardiff – Building a Better Future for Young Adults

Cardiff Council is working with Construction Youth Trust and Community Foundation in Wales’ Cardiff Community Endowment Fund to teach young adults construction skills.

The training sessions will take place at the Jasmine Centre in Ely on Monday, 19 December.  The free taster sessions will offer young adults (aged 16 to -30) a full day of Construction training.

Two Construction Youth Trust trainers will deliver training sessions for up to sixteen young adults,  designed to build their skill set and develop their understanding of the industry.

Participants will learn a variety of skills including plumbing and carpentry. As part of the carpentry training the participants will construct two wooden benches which will then be donated to HAFAL & Ty Newydd Nursing Home, in Ely.

Construction Youth Trust and the Council’s Local Training and Enterprise team will continue to support and work with them to prepare them for entering the labour market and everyone who attends the course will be given a certificate of completion.

Construction Youth Trust runs several projects in South Wales including a highly popular mobile construction classroom, funded by the Big Lottery. The classroom travels into the heart of local communities where qualified and experienced trainers then deliver basic construction and employability skills training to young people aged 14-30.

Those who are interested in taking part in the course should contact The Jasmine Enterprise Centre, [email protected]  02920873800.  Places are on a first come first served basis.

Executive Member for Communities, Housing and Social Justice, Cllr Judith Woodman, said: “The course will provide some great training for young adults in Cardiff. I hope the course will help those who take part to further a career in construction and develop skills that will last them a lifetime.”

Construction Youth Trust’s Clare Parry who has co-ordinated the training day has described the upcoming event as a fantastic opportunity for local residents to receive free of charge construction training: “The hands-on training and careers advice introduces participants to the skills necessary to succeed in the workplace.”


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