Cardiff Celebrates Future Paralympians in Countdown to London 2012

To celebrate 300 days until the London 2012 Paralympic Games, Sport.Cardiff will host a free schools disability sports event.

‘Paraympians of the Future’ will take place on Thursday 3, November and will target individuals with specific disabilities, in particular children who are blind or visually impaired, wheelchair users or physically disabled and able to walk.

Local Paralympian and javelin world record holder Nathan Stephens will attend the event.
Since becoming disabled at the age of nine Nathan is now one of the UK’s most talented Paralympic athletes and has represented Great Britain at both the Paralympic Winter Games and the Paralympic Games.

The countdown event will provide school children aged between six and 18 years the opportunity to try various paralympic sports in the hope they will participate regularly through local clubs.

Activities such as boccia, adapted rowing, football, wheelchair basketball and wheelchair rugby will be on offer for children to try out and will be run by coaches from local clubs supported by Sport.Cardiff and Disability Sport Wales

The event is supported by Sainsbury’s and will take place at the Cardiff University Sports Village, Talybont. The university has been accepted as an official competition partner and will work in partnership with Sport.Cardiff by providing use of facilities and will supply volunteers to support Sport.Cardiff competitions and events.

Over the coming months Sport.Cardiff will host a programme of events to celebrate the countdown to the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

We have also received the exciting news that Cardiff will be one of the cities to host the Paralympic Torch Relay which will lead the UK into the start of the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

Our city is the final host city before the flame arrives at a special ceremony held at Stoke Mandeville, home of the Paralympic movement before it reaches the Olympic Stadium in time for the Opening Ceremony of the Paralympic Games.

The event will take place in Cardiff on Monday 27 August, 2012 and will involve a flame lighting moment in the morning followed by a Paralymic Flame Festival later in the day.

Cardiff is honoured to be a pre-games training camp for several Paralympic teams from South Africa, Australia and the Oceanic Islands as they make their preparations in the lead up to London 2012.

The city has been selected due to its excellent sporting facilities and infrastructure, professional approach of staff and the general friendliness of the people of Cardiff and Wales.

Executive Member for Sport, Leisure and Culture, Cllr Nigel Howells said: “Cardiff is both proud and excited to be having such an important role in the Paralympic Games.

“We are committed to providing disability provision in many different sports and as part of the London 2012 Games legacy and hope to inspire future Paralympians from the city. This event is an example of how important it is to allow children the opportunity to experience different sports so they can develop and achieve their goals whilst being inspired by people like Nathan.

“Having Cardiff chosen as one of only four cities to host the Paralympic Torch Relay and as a pre-games training camp is a great achievement.

“Pre-Games training camps ahead of London 2012 will not only provide economic, cultural, educational and sporting opportunities for the city, it will also cement Cardiff’s status on the international sporting map.”


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