Cardiff Central Library Event Sparkles

More than 200 people attended Glitter a fashion and pamper evening at Cardiff Central Library on Friday, January 28, making it the most popular event at the library to date.

Those who attended the event had the opportunity to experience an evening of fashion, beauty and indulgence, with massages, facials, and nail art available to those who came along.

The event also featured a fashion show put together by the students of the Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries, University of Glamorgan.

Cardiff Central Library Manager Nicola Richards, said: “The event exceeded our expectations. We were delighted with the amount of people who attended the evening which is going to be the first of many. During the event we also tweeted about what was going on which proved popular.”

The next event Nicola and her team are planning is a Psychic evening on 25 February. Two mediums will host the evening, with tickets costing £5.

Executive Member for Sport, Culture and Leisure, Cllr Nigel Howells, said: “It’s fantastic to hear that Glitter was such a success and it shows how important it is for libraries to offer services that you wouldn’t normally associate with traditional library services. Nicola and the team at Central are doing a fantastic job in creating interesting and varied events.”


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