Cardiff Central MP Supports Smokers in their Attempt to Quit on No Smoking Day

Jenny_WillottJenny Willott, Welsh Liberal Democrat MP for Cardiff Central, is urging smokers to ditch the cigarettes on national No Smoking Day today.

Miss Willott is supporting the annual health campaign, run by the British Heart Foundation (BHF), which last year encouraged a million people to quit smoking.

This year’s campaign has a ‘V for Victory’ theme which is set to inspire hundreds of thousands of smokers across the UK to win the fight against cigarettes. It will help them on the road to victory, providing information, support and encouragement so that they are in the best possible position to make a successful quit attempt.

Jenny Willott MP said:

“Quitting smoking leads to a never-ending list of benefits. I would encourage every smoker in Cardiff Central to join the hundreds of thousands of other people across the UK who are using No Smoking Day as a great opportunity to win the battle against cigarettes.”

Dr Mike Knapton, Associate Medical Director at the BHF said:

“As we march towards No Smoking Day we’re encouraging people to put together a personal battle plan so that they’re in the best possible position to make a successful quit attempt on the day.

“We know that quitting smoking isn’t easy, but it’s the single best thing you can do for their health so it’s more than worth the hard work and perseverance.

“No Smoking Day is a great opportunity to join hundreds of thousands of other quitters across the UK, so give it a go and sign up to a longer, healthier life and wealthier life. We’re here to help and support people along the way so we’re encouraging people to get ready to join in.”

For more information and support, smokers can visit


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