Cardiff Community Litter Plan Consultation

Cardiff Logo smallCardiff residents have the opportunity to have their say in an important consultation on the Cardiff Community Litter Plan due to be published in the New Year.

The Plan highlights the services Cardiff Council provides and what the public can expect in terms of education and enforcement. As well as outlining the things Cardiff Council is doing to tackle littering, dog fouling, graffiti and fly tipping, the plan also shows how communities can get involved to help.

Cabinet member for environment, Cllr Ashley Govier said:

“Cardiff Council spends more than £7m a year on keeping the city’s streets clean and around 3,000 tons of litter is dropped in Cardiff every year. Council Tax contributions only cover a fraction of the clean-up costs, which is why the Council needs to work with communities to tackle litter together.

“There is exceptional work going on with partners such as Keep Wales Tidy, the Cardiff Rivers Group and Friends Groups that enable the community to take ownership of some of the litter issues that exist in their areas to augment the extensive work the Council already undertakes. We want residents to help us develop and take this important aspect of our work forward as we build a strategy for dealing with the litter that blights too many of our communities.”


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