Cardiff Confirms the Streets Which Olympic Flame will be Carried Along

Cardiff has today announced the streets that the Olympic Flame will travel along and the inspirational torchbearers who have been selected to carry it during its visit to the city on Friday May 25, 2012.

Local residents and communities are being encouraged to get into the spirit of the Games and share the excitement of the relay by welcoming the flame to their nearest street to celebrate the achievements of those selected to carry it.

Street-by-street details and proposed start times for when the flame will travel through Cardiff can be viewed in full at

One of the torchbearers confirmed to carry the flame is Wayne Jenkins, 51, from Rumney, Cardiff who was nominated by his daughter Sophie.

Wayne is the Assistant Operations Manager for Sport Wales and has spent the last 32 years supporting young athletes through providing the highest level of facilities and equipment available. He has nurtured many young athletes, some of which have developed into Olympic qualifying athletes and medallists. He has also run in countless marathons and recently took part in an Arctic driving expedition with several Paralympic medallists.

Wayne is one of those who were successful through the public nomination processes run by LOCOG and the Presenting Partners, Coca Cola, Lloyds TSB and Samsung.

LOCOG has endeavoured to slot all community torchbearers within an hour of their nomination address so family and friends can cheer them on. Each torchbearer will wear a white and gold uniform which been designed by Adidas.

Cardiff Council Leader, Cllr Rodney Berman said: “Cardiff is both proud and excited to be hosting the Olympic Flame as it makes its way to London for the start of the Games.

“The torch relay event allows residents and members of the surrounding areas the opportunity to engage in the spirit of the Games, ensuring that this is a national spectacle for everyone in Wales and the rest of Britain to enjoy.

“The city is playing an important role in London 2012 and I am pleased that inspirational characters from the capital such as Wayne are being given the honour as torchbearers. I hope that local people will come out to cheer them on and show their support.”

Talking about the honour to carry the flame, Wayne said: “I’m really proud to have been selected as an Olympic Torchbearer through the Lloyds TSB nomination process.

“It will be a once in a lifetime experience to carry the Olympic Flame and an honour to have the opportunity to represent all of the athletes I’ve worked with in Wales these past 32 years.”

An average of 115 Torchbearers a day will carry the Olympic Flame during its 8,000 mile journey around the UK before it arrives at the Olympic Stadium on 27 July 2012 for the lighting of the cauldron at the Opening Ceremony, signifying the official start of the London 2012 Olympic Games.

LOCOG has worked closely with representatives from a number of sectors in each Nation and Region of the UK to devise the route and is taking the Olympic Flame to within ten miles of over 95 per cent of the population.

As an overnight stop for the flame, Cardiff will also host a free evening of entertainment to celebrate the occasion. More details of the show will be released over the next few months.

Schools across the city are being encouraged to make the most of the Olympic Torch Relay and can now access free learning resources through Get Set, the official London 2012 education programme.

The activities are designed to help schools and colleges enjoy the relay by lining the route, and cheering on their local torchbearers. Resources include ideas for making flame hats and shakers to welcome the flame, an assembly presentation to get the school behind a torchbearer and a film showing one Get Set network school’s preparations for the relay. For more information please go to


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