Cardiff Council Announces Long List of Companies to Bid for Organic Waste Treatment Contract

Cardiff Council has reached a critical stage in the plan to develop an organic waste treatment solution for Cardiff.  As part of the procurement process, the following long list of eight bidding consortia has been selected to develop sustainable and value for money solutions for the Council to assess:

  • Agrivert Ltd & Atlantic Recycling Ltd
  • Cory Environmental Ltd
  • Kelda Water Services Ltd (in partnership with Dwr Cymru, and Biogen UK Ltd)
  • New Earth Solutions Group Ltd
  • Shanks Waste Management Ltd
  • TEG Environmental Ltd (In partnership with UTS Biogas)
  • Wessex Water Enterprises Ltd (trading as Geneco)
  • Waste Recycling Group Ltd

Chief Officer for Cardiff Council City Services, Tara King said, “This is an important landmark in progressing an organic waste treatment solution for Cardiff.  The companies long-listed all have proven organic waste treatment credentials, including Anaerobic Digestion applications amongst other technologies.  It is a high class field ranging from independent organic waste technology companies to recycling and water companies all of whom will be in a position to provide Cardiff with innovative and cost effective solutions.   The Council has made great strides in recent years towards becoming a truly sustainable city and this plant is a key infrastructure development for delivering our waste strategy 2011 – 2016.

“We are pleased that we will be asking eight companies to put forward their solutions for us to assess.  The solutions will become clearer as the procurement process develops and this scheme will mean a step-change in the way Cardiff treats its food waste.  This rigorous process will ensure we award the contract to a company with a proven track record in this area that will deliver for the city.”


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