Cardiff Council Appoints New Chief Executive

CardiffPaul Orders, the current Chief Executive of Dunedin City Council, has been appointed as Cardiff Council’s new Chief Executive.

The decision was agreed at a meeting of full Council yesterday (Thursday, September 26) following a recommendation by Cardiff Council’s Appointments Committee.

Paul had previously worked for Cardiff Council in a variety of roles including Corporate Director before leaving to join Dunedin.

He said he is looking forward to returning home, “I am delighted to have been appointed as the new Chief Executive of Cardiff Council and to be given an opportunity to resume making a contribution to the Capital City of Wales.

“In many ways this is an exciting time for Cardiff with the Council committed to delivering the next phase of Cardiff’s development as a European Capital City that is also the mainstay of a successful city-region. I am very much looking forward to being part of what lies ahead.

“As Chief Executive, I will be focused on supporting the Leader, Cabinet and Councillors to meet the challenges of an unprecedented financial squeeze, and leading what I know is a talented and dedicated group of staff as services are reshaped to reflect new budgetary realities.”

The Chief Executive role is vital to the Council and includes the statutory responsibility of Head of Paid Service. Christine Salter has been carrying out the role of Interim Head of Paid Service.

Paul spent 13 years working for Cardiff Council in a succession of roles, ending up as Corporate Director with management responsibilities that included economic development, regeneration, planning, transport, parks, leisure, venues, and waste management.

Council Leader Heather Joyce said: “I am delighted that Paul’s appointment as the new Chief Executive has now been approved by full council.

“Paul is an excellent candidate who really impressed the appointment committee with his drive, enthusiasm and dedication to the city.

“I am looking forward to working with him and am sure his skills and expertise will ensure that we are in the best position to meet the tough challenges facing local government during this time of dwindling budgets and increasing demands for services.

“I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Christine for her strong management skills and hard work as Interim Head of Paid Service since she took over this role in the summer. Christine has provided continuity and guidance and my Cabinet and I are grateful for her continuing support.”


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