Cardiff Council – Meeting Attendance Figures

CardiffCityHallThe detail of the attendance record of Cardiff’s 75 councillors is set to be published.

Information on the attendances of all 75 Council members at formal meetings of Council and its Committees for the period between May 2012 and May 2013 is published annually.

Whilst the attendance at statutory and formal meetings of the Council is an important part of a Councillor’s role, this is not a comprehensive list of all meetings and events attended by Members.

There are many more meetings and events attended by hard-working Members on behalf of the Council and the City that are not captured in this data.  These meetings are just part of an ever increasing workload for Councillors as Community Leaders and their roles with local community groups; ward surgeries; PACT meetings; as School Governors; community councils; and partnership work with voluntary and stakeholder groups and outside bodies.

Throughout the year there are instances where Members absences can be attributed to unavoidable reasons, and occasionally clashes in commitments as Ward Councillors and Committees.

The publication of Councillors’ attendance figures is a useful snapshot of the work of Councillors and should be used as a guide only to their overall community representative role.


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