Cardiff Homelessness Charity Starts Work on ‘Cafe H’

HuggardCafeHuggard, the Cardiff-based charity tackling homelessness starts work on its new Social Enterprise cafe – ‘Cafe H’

Cllr Lynda Thorne and Cllr Julia Magill met with Huggard’s Chief Exec, Richard Edwards to see the start of this project supported by Cardiff Council. The cafe is set to open in the spring. Huggard has begun fitting out the new high quality cafe to provide exciting new training opportunities for people who have experienced homelessness.

Situated at the front of Huggard Buildings, Dumballs Road, the project was initially roughed out internally, has been on the desk of a Cardiff based interior designers, a local chartered surveyor and now in the safe hands of our construction team.

Huggard’s aims include making full use of Cafe ‘H’s splendid kitchen facilities to hone our staffs skills to entice even the hardiest of Coffee House Surfers to make Cafe ‘H’ their preferred destination. A feast for the eyes is also on the cards with our own Art Gallery developing local talent by giving them a ‘shop front’ for their wares.

A quiet meeting place, a large selection of Fare Trade products, an attractive high specification environment are the order of the day and further possibilities for you to hire our space as a vibrant evening/weekend venue are envisaged in the not-to-distant future.

Huggard is an established (over 25 years) Cardiff-based charity tackling homelessness and seeking to overcome the problems and barriers that force individuals to sleep rough on our streets.

Their services focus around our day centre open 365 days of the year, a 20 bed hostel with additional emergency spaces, 14 shared houses with tenant support that accommodate 52 clients. In extreme weather conditions they also open our day centre at night, to provide shelter for people who would otherwise be forced to sleep rough. Their mission is ‘not to sustain the homeless, but to put an end to homelessness’.

This is all underpinned by their personal and tenant support, development, advocacy, training and many volunteering and work-focussed opportunities such as their new café initiative.

To find out more about Huggard visit

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