Cardiff Punk Band “Can’t Get It Up”

Cardiff-based Punks Not Dad have today released a new video to what can only be described as virtually worldwide enthusiasm. “Can’t Get It Up” is the follow up to their  international success “In Me Shed“, and is a poignant anthem for middle aged men who have persistent problem with the erection of flat packed furniture from IKEA.

The utterly delectable and fragrant Lisa Rogers “off of Scrapheap Challenge” again stars in the new video, which is a true incentive to watch it over and over, even if you find you need to mute the volume. It was surely because of her starring role in “In Me Shed” that it got to number 10 in the YouTube charts, beating the likes of Mariah Carey, and consolidated Punks Not Dad’s international cult status which I agreed to mention a few times in return for the copious Guinness they supplied. Oh yeah, and Tom Robinson and The Adverts are big fans of theirs too. And The Guardian voted “In Me Shed” song of the year or something. I think that’s just about covered my contractual obligations.

The new video is again directed at literally no cost whatsoever by Punks Not Dad guitarist Johnny Cardigan. If you closed your eyes you’d never guess. Vocalist Sid Life Crisis, bass player Joe Strimmer and drummer Adrian Viles all try the best they can not to get between the camera and lovely Lisa Rogers, and don’t do too bad of a job, all things considered.

The new video is released in advance of the Retail Therapy EP which Punks Not Dad fans – both of them – will have to wait for until 12 March, when it is officially launched at the 3rd Dadstock, er, festival at the Globe in Cardiff. As well as “Can’t Get It Up”, it will include “Welcome to the Credit Crunch”, “Pound Shop”, and a live recording of “Hi Ho Silver Surfer”.

This is truly a band that deserves to be known for more than their association with the wonderful Lisa Rogers. And that’s not just the Guinness talking.

Visit for more information

By Peter Davies

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