Cardiff shop robbery: Appeal for information

Police in Cardiff are appealing for information on a robbery at a shop in Lakeside.

At around 10.20pm last week three men entered the Spar shop in Clearwater Way and stole cash from the till.

The 54-year-old store supervisor was uninjured but badly shaken up by the incident which lasted around a minute.

Detective Sergeant Dafydd Hobbs, from Rumney CID, said: “This was obviously a frightening experience for the gentleman working in the shop and I would like to thank a witness for their prompt actions in dialling 999 and looking after the victim while the emergency services were en route.

“The scene was forensically examined last night and we are recovering CCTV evidence from the shop and surrounding area.”

A quantity of Lambert and Butler cigarettes were also stolen by the men who are described as follows:

  • Male one is of Asian appearance, 5ft 11 to 6ft tall, aged in his 20s, wearing yellow gloves, dark glasses, a black hooded top, and a checked scarf thought to be a keffiyeh Arab headdress.
  • Male two is 5ft 4ins to 5ft 6ins, tanned, wearing dark glasses and a dark hooded top.
  • Male three was wearing a distinctive dark quilted jacket which had a white logo on the chest area and on the back.

DS Hobbs added: “We are appealing for anyone who has information on this incident to contact us and in particular any sightings of these three individuals and information on who they area.

“They caused a lot of distress to the victim for a relatively small amount of cash.

“I would urge anyone with information to contact Rumney CID on 029 2077 4233 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”


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