Cardiff’s ‘Just Say No’ – No Cold Calling Zone Expands

Cold Calling LabelThe ‘no cold calling zone’ is being extended in Whitchurch into Heol y Forlan and Pendwyallt Road, with the intention to send a clear message to those who prey on elderly or vulnerable people  that their services aren’t wanted in these areas.

This coincides with an alleged rogue trader appearing at Cardiff Crown Court yesterday charged with fraud against elderly women who live alone.

Cold calling presents a number of issues for residents, as in the majority of cases people are unaware of their rights with ‘contracts signed at the home’ and often fall into the trap of giving into pressure sales. Experience shows that work is often sub standard, charged at over inflated prices and in some cases no work is actually required at all.

Councillor Bob Derbyshire, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said:

“It is important for residents to empower themselves with information, so they feel safe in their home and know their rights, so when unscrupulous rogue traders try to take advantage, they are fully informed and can take appropriate action. The signs that have been put in the area should send a clear message that cold calling isn’t wanted in this area.

“Residents just need to politely say no and close the door to those offering their services from the doorstep. Often those who are targeted are elderly or vulnerable, so it is very important that we get the message out to these individuals so they do not get duped by these people. Under current arrangements if residents have a problem with a doorstep trader, they are able to call the rapid response hotline on 0845 6012600 and officers will visit as soon as possible.”

The launch marking the expansion of the scheme in Whitchurch will take place on April 10th, with local Councillors visiting residents to give information on the scheme with the clear message – just say no.

These proactive measures by the Council, work alongside the legal enforcement action that is taken against those who commit offences at residents homes.

At a hearing at Cardiff Crown Court yesterday Ronald Connors appeared for a preliminary hearing, charged with 4 offences under the Fraud Act 2006. He will appear at a plea and case management hearing on 21st May 2014


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