Cardigan RNLI volunteers free stranded porpoise

Two RNLI lifeboats from Cardigan were launched last night (23 March) to rescue a female adult porpoise trapped in nets underneath cliffs off Aberporth. Cardigan’s Atlantic 75 and D-class inshore RNLI lifeboats were launched at 7.45pm after a member of the public spotted the distressed mammal.

The British Divers Marine Life Rescue group was advised of the incident and the RNLI was requested to assist.

Daniel Worth, an RNLI volunteer at Cardigan, who also volunteers with British Divers Marine Life Rescue says:

‘Although Dolphin and Porpoise sightings around this stretch of coastline are extremely common, this is the first time I have come into close physical contact with one. Thanks to our helms local knowledge we swiftly located the distressed animal close in to the cliffs.’

‘I manhandled the porpoise out of the net, but it was quite disorientated. It took her some time to gather strength but it was such a relief to all the volunteer RNLI to see her porpoise away to sea. The experience was quite overwhelming, the animal was exhausted and freely allowed us to support her whilst we freed her. It’s difficult not to be affected by these amazing mammals, especially at such close quarters.’

As a result of the incident, some of the volunteer RNLI crew will be looking to undertake ‘Marine Mammal Medic’ training run by the British Divers Marine Life Rescue, which will give them further specialised knowledge should they be called upon to assist in future incidents.

Both Cardigan’s RNLI lifeboats had returned to station by 10pm.

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