Caring kids join Swans stars for bowls bonanza

Children who spend much of their time caring for parents and siblings are among the young people to have locked horns with Swans stars in a game of ten-pin bowls.

Young members of schemes including MEND and Mentro Allan were invited to Parc Tawe’s Tenpin Bowling attraction to mingle with players from the Championship club and compete against them.

MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do It) is a course for families with children aged seven to 13 whose weight is above the healthy range for their age and height. Mentro Allan is a scheme that encourages hard to reach groups such as carers to take part in physical activity.

Organisations such as Dragon Sport, the Safer Swansea Partnership, Swansea Council’s Road Safety Team, Health Challenge Wales and 5 x 60- a scheme that encourages children to exercise for at least 60 minutes a day five times a week- also invited children to the bowling event.

A new sticker album was handed out on the night to each of the participating children to highlight a range of health and wellbeing messages with spaces for autographs and stickers of the Swans players.

The event was put together in partnership with Swansea City’s Football in the Community.

Paul Whapham, Senior Physical Activity Development Officer at Swansea Council, said: “Events of this nature are a great idea. They mean young children have the chance to meet their Swans heroes and get albums signed that include vital messages in areas like healthy eating, road safety and personal safety.

“It’s really positive that we’re able to work in such close partnership with the Swans.”

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