Cash boost for innovative scheme for Swansea young people

A ground-breaking counselling service in Swansea for 11 to 25 year olds has secured thousands of pounds of extra funding to reach out to more young people.

The Exchange is an innovative UK first which offers a single, all-embracing, easily accessible service for young people with psychological and emotional issues.

Young people can access counselling easily through their secondary schools, Info-Nation, pupil referral units and other community locations.

Since its launch in September 2009 more than 200 young people have benefited from the service.

The most common issues young people bring to counselling relates to family life. Further issues include bullying, problems with friends, death of someone close to them, feelings of anger, confusion or rejection, difficulties at school or stress about exams, and concerns about sexuality, abuse or self harm.

The Exchange’s success so far has now enabled Swansea Council to secure more cash from the Welsh Assembly to develop the scheme.

From September this year (2010) its funding will rise from £168,000 to £349,068.

This could see the service extended to the top years in primary schools too, with counsellors working with Years 5 and 6, primarily in areas of significant deprivation.

The Exchange director Kevin McGeever said: “We’re very excited about the additional funding and what it will mean for this project and the young people we will be able to reach.

“The majority of troubled young people, when asked what would help them, answer ‘someone to listen to me’.

“The Exchange exists for young people and it offers them a place to be listened to, a space for young people to say what’s on their mind, a time which is for them and someone who will always take them seriously and treat them with respect.

“Our counsellors are  accessible, very approachable and provide timely evidence-based treatments for those who have difficulties:- even if all that the young person wants is someone to talk to, they know the service will welcome them.”

Cllr Mary Jones, Swansea Council Lead Member for Children & Young People said: “The Exchange is a great leap forward in our efforts to help all our young people deal with their problems.

“I welcome its success so far and urge all young people, their parents and guardians to become familiar with what it offers.”

Commissioned by the Swansea Children and Young People’s Partnership, The Exchange’s funding sources include a Welsh Assembly Government grant and grants from Swansea’s 14-19 Learning Network and Health Challenge Swansea.

More info: The Exchange,, 01792 346 323, [email protected]


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