Cash grant for letting people spend a penny

Businesses in Swansea are being offered up to £500 a year to share their loos with the public.

For the second year running Swansea Council is running a Welsh Assembly Grant scheme in this area aimed at improving the number and quality of public conveniences.

The Local Facilities Access Grant scheme aims to help local authorities and local businesses such as pubs, post offices and shops to work together to provide more clean, safe and accessible toilets for the general public.

The grant enables businesses to claim up to £500 per premises for allowing the public free access to their toilet facilities during opening hours.

Businesses can still apply for the grant even if they already offer some kind of facility to the public.

Businesses have to meet a number of criteria to qualify for the grant. These include making sure the facilities are of an acceptable standard in terms of safety, hygiene and accessibility for disabled people and people of both sexes.

The facilities will be clearly publicised so people can see that toilets are available to them there even from outside the premises.

The successful candidates will also have a sticker in their front window publicising their participation in the Assembly scheme and Swansea Council will use its website to advertise the facilities.

The scheme will run alongside Swansea Council’s existing work to provide and manage its public conveniences in the City and County. Swansea Council currently provides 19 public toilet sites in the City and County.

Keith Coxon, Swansea Council Performance and Projects Manager, said: “The Council aims to provide quality public toilets for all our users and we hope that local businesses will join us to offer an even better and more convenient service to the public.”

Any business that would like to be considered for the grant scheme should contact Frank Davies on 01792 635600.

Application forms for the scheme can be obtained from Swansea Council’s Waste Management Division based in the Guildhall. The post code is SA1 4PE.


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