Casualties on Welsh roads lowest since records began

The Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones today welcomed new statistics that show the number of people either killed or injured on Welsh roads is the lowest since records began in 1968.

The figures – ‘Road Casualties in Wales, 2009’ – show the number of road accidents, injuries and deaths have all seen falls compared to the previous year.

The Minister said,

“These figures show that casualties on our roads are now the lowest since records began. In every category, from deaths to the number of accidents, we have seen falls and this must be welcomed.

“I believe it is only right to pay tribute to all the organisations involved in road safety who have contributed to this success.  The Welsh Assembly Government will continue to work in partnership with local authorities, the police, the Fire and Rescue Service and road safety organisations to highlight the importance of road safety and to remind all road users of their responsibilities to themselves and others.

“The allocation of over £30 million since 2007 has enabled local authorities to implement a range of road safety projects that have contributed to this downward trend of casualties that we see today.”


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