Swansea kids win peace prizes Hundreds of Swansea children have been praised for their contribution to promoting peace and tolerance at the annual Peace...
Student liason officer prepares for a new term Whilst students have being enjoying their long summer break, Cardiff Council’s Student Liaison Officer Kieran McCann has been busy...
Talk celebrates Swansea’s "death ray" inventor Expect new revelations about the extraordinary Clydach scientist who claimed to have invented a death ray that could stop...
Swansea’s little artists at poet’s centre Children as young as two are having their very own exhibition in Swansea‘s Dylan Thomas Centre. The budding young...
Little green fingers are sign of health for Pembrokeshire kids Sowing herbs, tasting local cheeses and making smoothies were all on the menu for more than 1,000 Pembrokeshire children...
Swansea kids win peace prizes Hundreds of Swansea children have been praised for their contribution to promoting peace and tolerance at the annual Peace...
Little green fingers are sign of health for Pembrokeshire kids Sowing herbs, tasting local cheeses and making smoothies were all on the menu for more than 1,000 Pembrokeshire children...
First review of church schools shows they outperform Pupils at schools with a strong Christian ethos consistently achieve above the Wales average while parents value their spiritual...
First review of church schools shows they outperform Pupils at schools with a strong Christian ethos consistently achieve above the Wales average while parents value their spiritual...
Convention announces winner of schools’ competition A school in north Wales has come to the fore in a challenge run by the All Wales Convention,...