Cathedral Harvest Appeal helps Zimbabwe teenagers

Parishioners at Llandaff Cathedral will be donating their Harvest offerings this weekend to help orphaned teenagers in Zimbabwe.

They will bring money, rather than the more traditional baskets of  fruit and vegetables, to their Harvest service this Sunday (Oct 2), to support a project to help youngsters in extreme poverty.

The Harvest appeal follows the Cathedral’s successful Lent appeal early this year which raised more than £8,000 to set up and run a chicken farm at a school in Zambia.

The Dean of Llandaff, the Very Revd John Lewis, said, “The Tariro Project aims to give hope to the youth of Zimbabwe by helping them find somewhere to live, have enough to eat and to get an education. Just £10 will help teenagers plant, grow and harvest a wheatsheaf, for example.

“I am always heartened by the generosity of people, who, even in times of recession, support these appeals which provide practical help to others in real and actual need.”


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