Cathedral offered free to local charity

St Asaph Cathedral is offering one charity in North Wales the chance to host a concert or event at the prestigious venue for free during 2013.

Charities are being invited to complete an application form and return it to the Cathedral Office before Sunday 30 September 2012.  Once all the applications have been received, a final decision will be made by Thursday 1 November 2012.

It’s hoped this competition will become an annual event, allowing a different charity to apply for the chance to use the Cathedral every year.

On top of receiving the Cathedral free of charge, the winning charity will also receive free publicity for their event on the Cathedral’s website as well as articles in the Diocese of St Asaph’s publications.

Commenting on the inaugural competition, the Chaplain at St Asaph Cathedral, the Reverend Val Rowlands said:

“This is a wonderful opportunity for charitable organisations to use the superb facilities at the Cathedral to host a concert free of charge.

“We already host several charity concerts throughout the year and feel sure that local charities will be delighted to have the opportunity to reduce their costs through this initiative.”

The usual cost of hiring the Cathedral is £700.  The Cathedral will not provide event licences or staff for the event and the decision of the Dean and Cathedral Chapter is final.  The Cathedral will be provided free of charge to one charity in 2013 on a mutually agreeable date.

To download a copy of the application form, please visit the Cathedral website:

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