Cathedral organist to play his way through the hymnbook

It’s accompanied outstanding choirs and been showcased in recitals by some of the best musicians of our age over the past few months – but next week the magnificent new organ at Llandaff Cathedral will be devoting its attention to the humble hymn.

A six-hour celebration of hymns – which form the backbone of church music – will take place on Saturday morning (July 10) in a sponsored “hymnathon” . Cathedral organist, Richard Moorhouse will play his way through the hymn book, playing the first verse of all the 500 hymns in the New English Hymnal.  He will be joined by members of the Cathedral’s several choirs who will take turns to sing along.

Mr Moorhouse, whose own favourite hymn is Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven (No. 436), said, “’This is a celebration of the rich heritage of hymns we have in church. Many of them reach back over centuries while others reflect our modern lifestyles. Whether you sing them in church every week, remember them from school assemblies or learnt them on the rugby or football terraces, hymns are the sound track to so many important occasions in our lives, drawing us together in one voice, offering comfort when needed and inspiring us to better way of life. This event will also give people the chance to hear their favourite hymns played by one of the best organs in the country.”

The event is being held to raise money for the Cathedral’s new £1.5m Nicholson pipe which took 18 months to install and was unveiled this Easter. It is the largest organ to have been commissioned in a British cathedral for more than 40 years.  And for those who want to hear it at its best, Mr Moorhouse will have a break half-way through the Hymnathon, at 1pm, to give a short demonstration of its range and power.

The Hymnathon at Llandaff Cathedral will begin at 10am on July 10.

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