Cathedral Tackles Budget Deficit

Llandaff CathedralLlandaff Cathedral is planning a financial overhaul to protect the future of its ministry.

It is taking action to increase income and reduce expenditure in order to tackle a significant budget deficit.

Parishioners have already been asked to increase their weekly giving and cutbacks have been made to save on energy bills and staffing costs.

Now the Dean and Chapter are proposing slimming down the Cathedral Choir in order to save nearly £50,000 which would significantly cut down the anticipated deficit of £81,000. Seven men – five lay clerks, one choral scholar and the assistant organist– are at risk of redundancy and will be invited to take part in consultation meetings over the next few weeks.

It is proposed that a budget be kept to pay adult choristers on an occasional basis for weekend services and special seasons, such as Advent and Christmas, to sing with the boy choristers in order to keep a choral tradition in the Cathedral.

A spokesperson for Llandaff Cathedral said, “It is with a very heavy heart that we have taken the decision to put a number of roles in the Cathedral at risk of redundancy. However, we have a duty to be financially responsible and cannot run on a continuing deficit. We have considered all our options very carefully and feel these plans are the best way forward to enable us to save money while ensuring our choral tradition remains as good as it can be, and our music ministry has a secure future.”


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