Celebrating World Book Day in Monmouthshire

Monmouthshire is to mark World Book Day on Thursday, March 3rd with an evening celebrating reading at Chepstow Library and a special event the following Saturday at Abergavenny.

The Chepstow celebration starts at 7pm and takes in talks, readings and poetry.  Local people will discuss their favourite book and why is so special for them.  Speakers include local authors M R Hall, Julia Gregson, Meg Kingston and William Ayot.  Tickets, available from the library, are free.

Abergavenny Library will host an event on Saturday starting at 7.30pm with guest readers including performance poet and comedian Mab Jones, readings, exciting book giveaways and refreshments.  All are welcome.

Abergavenny’s Community Librarian, Vivienne Thomas said: “Lots of local people have signed up to the UK national book giving event and will be collecting their boxes from our library on Saturday evening, and telling us why their favourite title is so special.  We will also be launching the Monmouthshire “Our Read” initiative with a specially written title by bestseller Frank Cottrell Boyce of “Millions” fame.  Come along to share, socialise and be inspired!


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