Celebrations as County’s Youth Service is Rated ‘Excellent’ by Agored Cymru

denbighshireA review of Denbighshire Youth Service as a centre for accreditation for learners through the Agored Cymru programme has deemed the provision to be exemplar, with excellent practices.

The reviewby Agored Cymru inspectors  highlighted Denbighshire’s “excellent and robust quality assurance processes”.  They added that the services offered were  “well documented and effectively implemented across the provision, demonstrating clear commitment to continuous improvement.”

The review highlighted no areas for improvement – which means that the service’s Agored Cymru accreditation activity is seen as sector leading. The service’s documentation

Over the past year, the service has enabled 355 young people to achieve Agored Cymru awards – the highest number of awards ever to be delivered in a 12 month period. Courses include coping with bullying, building confidence and self esteem, smoking awareness course and taster courses in craft, cooking and sports.

Jamie Groves, Denbighshire’s Head of Communication, Marketing and Leisure, said:

“We know from feedback received that the opportunities for learners provided by the Youth Service is held in very high regard.  This latest report from Agored Cymru makes extremely positive reading and highlights the fact that our services for young people are seen as sector leading in Wales.

“Skills and employment are also a key factor in the Council’s Economic and Community Ambition Strategy and the Youth Service is a key contributor through providing opportunities for young people to learn new skills”.

Roger Ellerton, Lead Officer: Libraries, Arts and Young People, said:

“Staff have worked tirelessly over recent years to develop processes that support the service in accredition and staff are commended for their work. Their commitment to these processes and further support the service in accreditation through Agored is excellent and they both should be commended for their work.

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